Service camp in Lisbon

Want to participate on the World Youth Day as a Living Stone?

When and where?
From 31st to 6th of August. We will participate in the entire WYD week, as pilgrims, and do service on the first days (1st to 4th of August, still considering if the 5th of August will be a day of service).
As part of the Jesuit initiative, we will stay at CUPAV – Centro Universitário Padre António Vieira. We can give you lodging from the 31st of July to the 6th of August (if you need, we can give you one more night, so you can leave on the 7th), but no more than that. We are sorry for the inflexibility, but this was the best
option we could find.

Day to day – being a “normal pilgrim” vs being a Living Stones pilgrim in the WYD.
Participating in this project means you will have both the opportunity of participating in the WYD as a normal pilgrim and contributing to this special encounter as a Living Stone.

As Living Stones, we will hold service during Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon (Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday are still dependent on more details we need from the central organisation). As pilgrims, we’ll have the opportunity of participating in every event marked in red, as well as the times dedicated to “Rise Up” (time for prayer, catechesis and group sharing organised by the WYD). The rest of the morning and evenings are free to experience the other activities happening in Lisbon during that week.

How do I sign up?
You sign up by writing an email to:, and answer the registration form we send you.

Info and registration form here!

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Living Stones